The first and most important step to prevent losing our own teeth is to attend to regular oral hygiene treatments. Keeping our teeth clean and plaque free is not only necessary from an esthetical aspect, but it is also a key factor in keeping our teeth for long decades.

Tartar removal/scaling
The dental calculus removal is one of the most important treatments that help to maintain the health of the teeth. The predilection areas for tartar buildup are the places where the removal of the plaque is hindered, or where the natural movement of the tongue or the cheek is not able to remove it completely. The dental calculus is the calcified (hardened) form of the plaque what can’t be removed with a toothbrush or other over the counter oral hygiene instruments. The rough surface of the tartar facilitates the buildup of newly formed plaque and it simultaneously compromises the efficiency of the cleaning of the teeth. This plaque covered rough surface also provides and excellent environment for the rapid growth of the bacteria living in the tartar. These bacteria produce toxins which cause the permanent inflammation of the gums.
In the most of the dental practices the removal of the calculus is done with an ultrasonic scaling device (depurator), which can efficiently crush the majority of the tartar attached to the surfaces of the teeth. Only the more equipped practices can offer the use of a high-pressure polishing device during the treatment. This is also necessary for a good result, because the ultrasonic devices can’t reach all of the crucial areas, and the surface of the teeth after the calculus removal is usually not smooth enough to provide easy maintenance.
Tartar removal with AIR-FLOW technology
The intraoral sandblasting (AIR-FLOW) technology is used to remove the dental calculus and the discolorations found on the teeth. The device blasts a mixture of very fine granules and water at the surface of the teeth, what removes the majority of the unwanted stains and tartar. Even the hard to reach areas can be cleaned with almost 100% efficiency, because of the friction produced by the granules.
For the ultimate result we use polishing brushes and rubber polishing cups after the high-pressure cleaning in our practice.